Watch Metroid Dread running on PC thanks to emulators - Mairaj Ahmed Mods

Watch Metroid Dread running on PC thanks to emulators

Mairaj Ahmed
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Metroid Dread has just been launched on Nintendo Switch and can be played perfectly from start to finish on two different Switch emulators on your computer. The Yuzu emulator, which displays the game in its own resolution, seems to be running Metroid Dread without any problems, but some players report glitches using the Ryujinx emulator, which can increase the resolution.

YouTuber Gaminja captured the Metroid Dread footage on a computer with a 6 GB GTX 1060, an Intel Core i5-8400 processor, and 16 GB DDR4 RAM for the Yuzu and Ryujinx emulators, if you want to see the comparison.

Metroid Dread has been well received so far. This is a direct sequel to Metroid Fusion from 2002, returning to a (mostly) 2D setback, but with some modern quality of life features and a clearly decent number of checkpoints. Given the existence of Hollow Knight, Axiom Verge and Axiom Verge 2, Ori and the Blind Forest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and the recently released Grime, I'm not hungry for Metroidvania on my computer, but on Switch Metroid Dread. When I try to play, I see that the control is pushing. Or, if you want to experiment with resolution and unlock the frame rate, it's useful to be able to switch to your computer.

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