Call of Duty: Warzone's next monster update is 81GB smaller if you delete Modern Warfare - Mairaj Ahmed Mods

Call of Duty: Warzone's next monster update is 81GB smaller if you delete Modern Warfare

Mairaj Ahmed
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Call of Duty: Warzone fans don’t have to worry about tomorrow’s mid-term update. Although "Black Ops-Cold War" has new maps and modes, fans of "Battlefield" have received a sniper rifle and some new operators. This does not mean that our hard drive is safe. If you also have Modern Warfare installed, Tomorrow's Warzone patch will be downloaded in 133GB in bulk. Otherwise, his condition will be better.

PC: 52.4 GB (Warzone Only) / 133.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare) PlayStation 5/PlayStation 4: 52.0 GB Xbox Series X / Series S / One: 57.8 GB

What's wrong, why does Activision hate my SSD? As the overall scale of "Battlefield" and "Modern Warfare" has become smaller, this time the download volume is even greater. Once the dust settles, Warzone will be reduced by 11.8 GB, while Modern Warfare will be reduced by approximately 30 GB. There is a lot of available space, but if gamers have not played many times recently (especially your ISP has strict data restrictions), gamers should seriously consider upgrading to Modern Warfare. The patch will have some battles before its release at 11:00 tomorrow night. PDT. 

However, even if it is upgraded to 52GB, it will not add any necessary content for Warzone, so the price is a lot. baby. "I think it's cool. Since its launch, the zombies in "Battlefield" have been one of the most disappointing map changes in the game.Verdansk has a wide range of zombie antics with obvious potential, which Activision may tolerate well in the future. However, at present, the zombie is a kind of boring disturbance, it wanders from city to city like a flock of birds.

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