LG's latest 4K monitors include a 32-inch model with a space-saving stand - Mairaj Ahmed Mods

LG's latest 4K monitors include a 32-inch model with a space-saving stand

Mairaj Ahmed
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LG often offers monitors before the Consumer Electronics Show. The monitor LG has introduced this time around is perfect for those who want to save as much space on their desk. The UltraFine Ergo (32UN880) is a 32-inch 4K monitor. The display of the monitor looks like it is hung with a lamp-like stand. The monitor can be rotated 280 degrees horizontally and 25 degrees vertically.

Its IPS panel supports 95% DCI-P3 color gamut coverage and HDR10. It has USB-C, display port and 2 HDMI ports. It is not a gaming monitor but it has FreeSync support and has Pixel Response Time 5 ms.
If you want a 4K gaming monitor, LG is introducing 27, 34 and 38 inch Ultra Gear monitors.
Their model numbers are 27GN950, 34GN850 and 38 GN950. The monitor has a pixel response rate of 1 ms. The three have a refresh rate of 144 Hz, which can be up to 160 Hz. These are compatible with G-Sync. If you want more bright display HDR600 support, you have to choose 27 inch or 38 inch model. The 34-inch model only has HDR400 support for display.
LG has not yet commented on their availability and pricing.

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